First off it is important to note some of the factors that go into planning the daily sessions. For the sake of this exercise we will assume the below factors.
- Last match was at home on the previous Saturday
- Next match is at home on the next Saturday
- MD+1 (Sunday) was an off day
- Roster made up of 18 field players and 4 goalkeepers
- Matches are 90 minutes and with FIFA Laws (3 subs, etc.)
We will break each session down into several different parts as listed below.
1. Goals for each session
2. Training variables and how to manipulate them
3. Example session with exercises included (including bouts, durations, rest)
4. Use of monitoring
Goals for Match Day -3 (Endurance)
As we progress into MD-3 we need to keep in mind he work that took place on MD-4. We will now rotate the stimulus to bigger spaces, longer duration exercises as to not train the same structures and systems on consecutive days. It's important to note we train everything every day but there is a bias towards different types of work each day. This is another loading day where we are training to seek adaptation through exercises.

Training Variables for Match Day -3 (Endurance)

If you are wanting detailed definitions for each variable please refer back to some of my older work. In this post I want to talk about about the why behind each variable. Below are the variables and the reasoning for each.
Load: High. This is the last session of the week where we want a higher training load before a match. We start the recovery process immediately following this training session.
Duration of session: Long. This session mimics the demands of the match without playing a match. We want the players training for extended periods of time. Usually between 90-120 minutes.
Duration of exercise: Long. This is relative to each exercise but the players should be performing soccer actions over longer periods. The demands should be similar to a match within each exercise.
Duration Rest: Short. Same as within a match we do not want to give the team a chance to fully recover.
Density - High. This means the players are working the majority of the session as the rest periods are shorter,
# of player per exercise: High, again to simulate match demands.
Size of space per player: Large. This allows for all of the above variables. If the spaces are too small it will be challenging to maintain quality for longer periods.
Repetitive Finishing: Yes, if not done the day before. Two consecutive days would be too much.
Isolated Running: If needed for sprint or high speed running exposures. We want the players exposed to these speeds each week. If it is not obtained naturally within the session than we will supplement.
Example Session MD-3 (Endurance)

The above session gives specific examples of exercises that can be used and how to use the variables to control the amount of stress you expose the players to.
Using Monitoring MD-3 (Endurance)
The best use of monitoring technology (GPS/HR) is used as a series of check and balances. Did the training session meet my predetermined goals? We can use these excellent tools to find out if we need to adjust the session the next time we run it or if we need to make adjustments for the rest of the week. For example, if our goal was to limit sprinting but the GPS showed the team covered a lot of sprint distance in our passing exercise then we need to adjust. First we may need to change the work that was planned for the following day so we do not run into any issues. Secondly if this passing exercise is something we wan to repeat we need to make changes. This might mean making the spaces smaller to limit sprinting or shifting the exercise to a different day of the week.
For the MD-3 session we are looking for the below biases for GPS & HR. I have only used universally understand and easy to use metrics for the sake of simplicity. If we are seeing high volumes of total distance, high speed running, and sprinting then we need to make changes.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Tomorrow we will work through MD-2 (Speed Reaction). Until then have a great day and reach out if you have questions.
Take care,